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Agileware has added some new features to the eWay payment processor for CiviCRM. Version 2.2.0 includes the following new features for better Drupal integration:

  • ability to use the eWay payment method using the new eWay Rapid API 3.1 when using CiviCRM and Drupal Webform
  • eWay transaction verification which will poll eWay to confirm if a pending payment has been processed successfully, and
  • automatic retrying of failed transactions for recurring payments, such as donations and membership renewals – whereas before a single failure would prevent any further attempts

These new features utilise the new eWay Rapid API 3.1 which enable a website to process credit cards securely without storing any credit card details on the processing website or in any database.

Processing credit cards securely when using Drupal and CiviCRM got a whole lot easier

The Agileware latest CiviCRM build for CiviCRM 5.16.3 includes Version 2.2.0 of the eWay payment processor for CiviCRM and all these new features.

So if you are currently using eWay as the payment processor for your CiviCRM and you are a current Agileware CiviCRM Support subscriber, then great news, this feature is available for you now.

For everyone else, Agileware has published the eWay payment processor for CiviCRM extension as open-source software on our Agileware Github account. Download from au.com.agileware.ewayrecurring

Happy CiviCRM’ing!

About the author Justin rotate

Director at Agileware. Justin has been developing and supporting software since the 90s. A strong advocate of free software and good customer service.

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