This is an open invitation for everyone in the Asia/Pacific region to join other Australians, New Zealanders etc. on-line to catch-up and discuss all things CiviCRM. If you are a CiviCRM user, developer or casual user with questions, then you are most welcome to join us.The meeting is only 1 hour and has a set agenda (depending on number of people attending this may be shortened).

  • Introductions and welcome to new people
  • Discuss what’s going on in the wider CiviCRM community around Australia and New Zealand
  • Discuss new projects, challenges and wins!
  • Discovered CiviCRM extensions and new CiviCRM extensions that have been released
  • CiviCRM PRs, CiviCRM bugs and musings about CiviCRM features we would like to see materialise
  • And of course, we pick a volunteer for next meeting chair

Meeting Schedule

The next meeting is Thursday, 21st May 2020 at 2pm AEDT (Convert to your local time zone

Meeting Details

About the author Justin rotate

Director at Agileware. Justin has been developing and supporting software since the 90s. A strong advocate of free software and good customer service.

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The Agileware office is located in Canberra, providing services locally and around the world. Talk to us today and we'll help you find a solution that works for your organisation.