Drupal Global Training Days is an exciting initiative from the Drupal Association to introduce new and beginning users to Drupal. The Association partners with companies around the world to make newcomers to the Drupal community feel inspired and empowered to start great work.

The next Drupal Global Training Day is on Friday, 20 November 2015. If there’s enough interest, Agileware will run a training day in Canberra. This is great for people who want to learn more about how Drupal websites are built, but aren’t ready to jump into a full Drupal developers training course. If you look after a Drupal website, write content for a Drupal website, or are thinking about moving your website to Drupal, this training day is for you!

Let Emma or Justin know you’re interested.

About the author Emma rotate

VP of Client Happiness at Agileware. Emma is passionate about supporting the non-profit sector and ensuring that customer requirements are delivered.

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