In CiviCRM currently, if a Membership Type has Membership records in CiviCRM there is no way in the CiviCRM administration interface to change the Relationship Types that will be used to inherit this membership. This is problematic when your membership structure changes and you need to add or change the Relationship Types used for membership inheritance. This type of change can be implemented using direct database queries or API calls, however, this is time-consuming, costly and potentially problematic to implement correctly. This issue has been raised and discussed on the CiviCRM Stack Exchange see
Introducing the new CiviCRM extension, Membership Relationship Type Editor for CiviCRM.
This CiviCRM extension enables the inherited Relationship Types for an existing Membership Type to be changed and update all existing Memberships affected by this change so that their inherited membership is correct according to the new inherited Relationship Types.
Great news, Agileware bundles this CiviCRM extension with our CiviCRM build available to all Agileware CiviCRM Support subscribers. You can quickly enable this extension in the Administer, System Settings, Extensions menu, look for the Membership Relationship Type Editor item and click Install.
For everyone else, Agileware has published the Membership Relationship Type Editor extension as open-source software on our Agileware Github account. Download fromĀ
Happy CiviCRM’ing!
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